Clean Your Space, Clear Your Mind

Woman cleaning the floor - Clean Your Space, Clear Your Mind

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Why You Need To Clean Your Space to Clear Your Mind

Over the years, I have definitely noticed how my environment affects my mindset and then how my mindset can impact my space. When life gets busy and hectic, I am not folding the laundry immediately. The mail piles up on the countertops, and the windows collect dust. If you’re like me, then maybe it’s time to clean your space to clear your mind.

Eventually, as the days go on, I’m realizing that I’m feeling sluggish. I’m not at peace and I start to feel overwhelmed. It’s hard for me to think clearly and really move in my creative energy when there’s so much clutter around. Then a lightbulb turns on in my head. “Oh, Tamara, you need to clean your space!”

I have learned that my mess creates unnecessary stress. It’s always the worse when you have an unexpected visitor. You really don’t want them to think that you’re a filthy person!

On the other side of that, when I’m going through a challenging time, emotionally or mentally, I don’t feel like making up my bed in the morning. I don’t feel like folding the laundry immediately or going through the mail and putting things back in their place because I feel like I am dying on the inside.

When I’m in this place, nothing else matters. My life externally starts to reflect how I feel internally. And the danger is that you start to allow that emotion to overpower and control you. You also submit yourself to a lie because you say, “Oh, I’m just busy. I’ll get to it later.” Instead of acknowledging the place that you are in, at that moment. Because you don’t want to deal with your feelings and your emotions, your mess becomes a shield for what you’re actually going through.

The act of cleaning up your mess is not just about making your space look nice and put together, but it’s a practice of intentionality. Being intentional about your mindset and your well-being. Acknowledging where you are in the different seasons of your life, and not allowing yourself to remain numb when you are going through a challenging time.

Peace, Love, Light

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Tamara J Morris

I’m a passionate creative sharing with you my journey to healing and self-discovery.