Category: Empowerment

  • My Word Of The Year

    My Word Of The Year

    I like to set the tone of my year with a word or phrase. Sometimes both. I’m big on intentions. They empower us to evaluate our lives while also directing the focus to our goals and desires. Think of your word or phrase as your target for the year. Whether you want to improve your…

  • Mid-Year Motivation

    Mid-Year Motivation

    We are halfway through the year! Can you believe it? This is the time when we can all use some mid-year motivation. Something that I have realized is that the older I get, the faster the time goes by! This revelation can cause us to experience a lot of different emotions.

  • Clean Your Space, Clear Your Mind

    Clean Your Space, Clear Your Mind

    Over the years, I have definitely noticed how my environment affects my mindset and then how my mindset can impact my space. When life gets busy and hectic, I am not folding the laundry immediately. The mail piles up on the countertops, and the windows collect dust.

  • Why I Took A Break

    Why I Took A Break

    We huddled up in the bedroom we’d been sharing for the last two years. With a glass of wine in hand, we counted down from ten as we watched the NYC ball drop on the television. Happy New Year! Finally.

  • Depression Is Real

    Depression Is Real

    Happy Monday and Happy May 1st. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this is a month that I really cherish. As someone who has suffered in silence with depression for many years, I understand the struggle. Over the past few years, there have been many conversations around the topics of mental health, brain health,…

  • It’s Time To Bloom

    It’s Time To Bloom

    Spring is a time for new beginnings, a fresh start. After a cold and dark winter, we crave the calm and lightness that spring brings us. You may feel that you have been in a season of waiting, a season of no, or not yet. Perhaps you feel stuck and that has caused you to…

  • How To Spring Clean Your Life

    How To Spring Clean Your Life

    The birds are chirping, the air is fresh in the cool breeze and the days are gradually becoming longer. I just love spring! It symbolizes newness and an awakening.

  • Confidence Tips For Creatives

    Confidence Tips For Creatives

    Today, we wrap up our series on confidence. And I really wanted to speak to my people, the creatives. Confidence and creativity go hand and hand but it’s not always easy. So here are three confident tips for creatives.

  • Confident Mindset Shifts

    Confident Mindset Shifts

    Confidence can be challenging. However, as I continue on my journey there are some things I have learned that greatly transformed my relationship with confidence. The very first confident mindset shift that I want you to implement is, confidence comes from within. I mentioned this in the What Is Confidence post and I continue to…

  • How To Build A Confident Routine

    How To Build A Confident Routine

    We are still in our confident series and today’s topic is how to build a confident routine. If you missed last week’s post, then I highly encourage you to go back and read it, to learn how I define confidence and how confidence has truly evolved for me over the years.