Category: Faith & Lifestyle

Read our faith and lifestyle content from a Christian perspective on the blog.

  • How To Be Spiritually Disciplined Like An Olympian Athlete

    How To Be Spiritually Disciplined Like An Olympian Athlete

    The 2024 Paris Olympics are well underway and soon coming to a close. All over the globe, people are gathered around televisions in awe as they watch the greatest in their perspective sports compete to bring home a medal for their country. I love seeing what the human body can do with perseverance and determination.…

  • Three Women In The Bible To Study

    Three Women In The Bible To Study

    The Bible is full of women whose stories teach us to cultivate a greater faith. As a woman, I find it comforting to relate to these women emotionally though we are generations removed from each other. I will never know their experience and they will never know mine, but what connects us is our common…

  • How To Memorize Scripture

    How To Memorize Scripture

    So, you want to memorize scripture but don’t know where to start. I get it. You’re at your weekly life group and surrounded with other Christians you perceive to be “holier than you.” As they share about their week or offer words of encouragement, it seems like bible verses flow out of their mouths like…