Is Your Daily Routine Surrendered?
I love routines. I’m a routine person. Creating sustainable routines is great because it offers structure and focus to our day. When we think about it, God is all about routines too. The world has a routine, cycle, or, system. We see it in the order of the day. There’s morning and night. We see it as the seasons change from fall, winter, spring, and summer. But when it comes to your daily Christian routine, is it surrendered? Things can begin to go wrong when we forget the purpose behind our routine.
Why Have An Evening Devotional – Read Me Next!
Scriptures To Meditate On
”All a person’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs motives.“ Proverbs 16:2 CSB
”Commit your activities to the Lord, and your plans will be established.“ Proverbs 16:3 CSB
”A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.“ Proverbs 16:9 CSB
Purpose Over Perfection
As a recovering perfectionist, I understand the desire to want to do things perfectly or at least what I perceive to be perfect. I have a strong desire to do things my way. But that is where the shift can happen. When we are more concerned with the image of the routine rather than the sincerity of our worship. The heart posture is no longer to grow closer to God or to worship God but to worship the routine.
It’s as if you go to church every Sunday but never experience a change in your heart. Because there has been no surrender to God. You are still living unsubmitted to Him an hour before service, an hour after. Your routine is no different. When the Holy Spirit nudges you, do you listen? Or do you resist because you have become accustomed to your cookie-cutter routine? Your morning devotional is at 6 am, your evening devotional is at 7 pm, and you pray for ten minutes at each. You read Psalms on Mondays and Proverbs on Tuesdays. Like clockwork, you check off your “God-time” from your to-do list. But you leave no room for Him. For Him to wake you up at 3 am for a conversation or to interrupt you in the middle of your day to read the book of Ruth. You are trying to appease your routine forgetting that the routine should be about God. It should be about communicating with Him.
Who Is The Subject Of Your Devotion?
We must ask ourselves if we are really doing this for God. Is God the subject of our devotion or is it us? Are we trying to satisfy our flesh by being “good Christians?” The Pharisees could be classified as “good Christians” but when God showed up, they dismissed Him. They couldn’t see Him. Their faith had become all about routines. What is your faith about? Is it just a work that is absent of faith? Yes, the Bible says that faith without works is dead (James 2:20) but works not influenced by faith are empty. We don’t want our devotion time to be empty. It should be full of God, and full of our surrender. It’s time to surrender your daily Christian routine.
With Love,
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