So, you want to memorize scripture but don’t know where to start. I get it. You’re at your weekly life group and surrounded with other Christians you perceive to be “holier than you.” As they share about their week or offer words of encouragement, it seems like Bible verses flow out of their mouths like honey. You stare at them in awe and maybe sometimes with envy. You feel you are missing out and think you must not be a “good Christian.” Let me encourage you that our walk with God is about our heart posture. You can memorize scripture. And not to appear more holy, but to draw closer to God.
The Importance Of Scripture
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1 CSB
Let’s start at the beginning. Before there were mountains and waters, sun and moon before the stars lit the sky at night and birds filled the sky in day, before you and me, there was the Word. And the Word was God. God is the Word. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us through Jesus. (John 1:14) When we speak about knowing scripture, we are talking about knowing God, His nature, His heart, and His purpose. This is why our hearts must be postured in devotion. Memorizing scripture should not be about head knowledge but a heart posture. Many unbelievers are proficient in the Bible, but they lack truth because they are absent of the Father. Scripture is so much more than mere words on a piece of paper it is the holy essence of our holy God.
Where Do I Begin
We begin with the Word. God’s Word. And invite God into your time in the Bible. Let’s not forget that we serve a supernatural God. Pray and ask Him to give you understanding. One of the mysteries of the Word is answered in 2 Corinthians.
“But if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 CSB
When we give our lives to God and believe wholeheartedly, He reveals the truth. We are no longer blinded by sin or false teaching but are given the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead us. He is our Counselor. (John 14:26) We aren’t doing this alone. We have His Spirit to help and guide us. So open the Word. Begin to read and study with the assurance that our Heavenly Father wants you to get to know Him.
Memory Verse Method
Developing an intentional habit of reading and studying the Bible is a great way to begin to learn scripture. But we shouldn’t stop there. Having a system to help you learn scripture encourages you to prioritize committing God’s Word to memory. That’s exactly what I did with the Memory Verse Method. Once a month or so, I choose a scripture that I would like to memorize. How I select which scripture to learn is usually dependent on what book I’m currently studying or a reflection of the season of life I am in. For example, I chose Proverbs 3:5 at a time when I felt unsure about where I was going in life. It was a constant reminder that God is in control and no matter what I should put my trust in Him.
Write It & Recite It
Writing is key to memorization. In the article, Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory, by Charlotte Hu, Scientific American shares a recent study that supports the benefit of writing for better learning outcomes. Therefore, when I choose my memory scripture, I write the full verse in my journal. I also like to write it in a highly visible area of my home. My kitchen chalkboard is a great place for this. It reminds me to pause throughout the day and meditate on what the verse means, who is saying it, and why. This is also a good reflection to include in your journal. Meditating on the Word is a huge part of memorizing the Word. Remember, this is not merely about retaining knowledge but building a relationship with God. I have a great journaling template to help you that you can get for free when you subscribe to DEVOTED by Tamara.
Once I choose it and write, I recite it, over and over again. While I’m folding laundry, taking a shower, cooking dinner, or doing my evening skincare routine, I am reciting God’s Word. This is why having your memory verse posted somewhere you can see is a great idea to help you recite your verse throughout the day. Setting an alarm on your phone may even be helpful.
Memory Verse Method Steps
- Choose A Scripture
- Write it in your journal and post it in a highly visible area in your home
- Meditate On It (Who is saying it, Why Is It Being Said, What Does It Mean, How Does It Make You Feel)
- Recite It (Recite the verse throughout the day)
You Can Memorize Scripture
Memorizing scripture is possible for you, very possible. Remember to posture your heart after the heart of God. Open His Word and begin to let His truth wash over you. Commit to writing, meditating on, and reciting scripture so that the love of God will flow out of you.
I would love for you to begin your journey to memorizing scripture. Download my ebook, How To Memorize Scripture below.
With Love,
Get The Ebook!
I wrote How To Memorize Scripture, to help you commit God’s Word to memory.
God wants us to know Him, and thus His Word. I pray that this book inspires you to grow closer to God as you begin to write the truth of His words on your heart.
Get It Here!!! 👆🏾
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Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.