How To Create A Confident Routine This Fall

How To Create A Confident Routine This Fall Featured Image

As the leaves change, the days become shorter, and families begin to gather for the holidays, it may become a little more difficult to stick to a routine. However, a change in seasons doesn’t have to derail our to-do list but inspire it. You don’t have to sacrifice your goals and you can have fun while doing it! I believe God calls us to be good stewards of our lives and developing healthy and sustainable routines can help us to facilitate that. Whether you are responsible for a family of five or one, running a business, or managing a team, you are to do it with diligence and conviction. This fall, learn how to create a confident routine that delivers and inspires.

Let Go Of Perfection

So how do you build a confident routine? There are three things that I want us to pay attention to. The first one is to let go of perfection. If you’ve been around for a while, then you know that I refer to myself as a recovering perfectionist. Because I have learned that perfectionism is actually an insecurity.

Making a mistake can often send me into a downward spiral. I’m not particularly eager to make mistakes because I don’t want to change the perception that others have of me. But what if that perception is wrong? Many times I find myself spiraling when I make a tiny, tiny error, and that is because I have held onto perfectionism for so long. It’s an insecurity I realize I have struggled with for quite some time. In my mind, I NEED to be a certain way to be accepted by myself and others. I often feel that I MUST behave a particular way to remain worthy in my eyes or the eyes of my peers and sometimes strangers. But that doesn’t leave room for much growth, does it? It also doesn’t leave room for wisdom. So today, let’s set an intention to let go of perfection.

Build Flexibility Into Your Routine

Flexibility is why you need to let go of perfectionism. Listen, life happens. I know we don’t like it. We don’t enjoy it when our plans are interrupted. We prefer things lined up a certain way. But this shouldn’t overwhelm us when they don’t. It shouldn’t take us out. And I have been there, many times than I would like to admit. Learning how to build flexibility into your routine develops a habit of healthy behavior and leaves room for life’s surprises.

It also improves your emotional well-being. If you desire confidence in your routine, then understand that things may change. Things don’t always go your way, and sometimes that’s for the better. So be confident in knowing that life is going to happen but you’re still going to be okay.

Set Yourself Up The Night Before

Finally, set yourself up for success the night before. Your day really begins the evening prior. This is not a habit I’m always consistent with but I do try to make an intentional effort. As a busy and sometimes overwhelmed stay-at-home mom and Creative, this doesn’t always get done. But again, I’m learning to let go of perfectionism and give myself grace. One night off is not going to ruin me even though sometimes it feels like it! However, I have noticed a huge difference in my day when I do take the time and plan to be intentional the night before. This can look like writing your to-do list the night before, setting out your workout clothes, filling up your water bottle, or prepping your meals. When you already have it in your mind to have a successful day, you empower yourself to follow through.

Have Some Seasonal Fun!

I want you to become a good steward of your routine so you can accomplish the tasks God has ordained for you. So whether you are trying to build confidence in your wellness, home, or work routine, self-reflect on how these three tips can add value to your life and your to-do list.


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