How To Become A Woman In The Word Every Day

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I often come across posts on social media of women seeking advice concerning their walk with God. They inquire about building a relationship, commitment, and routine. There is a hunger for God that many are seeking. They want to be consistent in the Word but don’t know how. So, how do you become a woman in the Word every day?

Taste & See

‘Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in him! ‘Psalms 34:8

I like to relate my hunger for God to my hunger for food, only craving what I have first tasted. Remembering the joy of the experience of a shared meal, the creativity of flavors, or even the nutrition my body needed, I began to crave what is good and nutritious. Just like the Word, when I started to truly read and study the Bible, seeking God with my whole heart, my hunger for Him grew. Eventually, I found myself spending hours in the Word, studying the original Greek and Hebrew, reading commentaries, and memorizing Scripture. My prayers matured as I grew in the knowledge of the Lord.

Relationship Over Routine

One huge mistake many of us make is we build a routine instead of a relationship. We have our designated “morning quiet time,” complete with aesthetic imagery as if God is bound to the barriers we create. We try to box Him in and overcomplicate our walk with Him. Many of our personal relationships would fail if we treated them like we do God.

Like date nights or friendly gatherings, I think it is beautiful when we have intentional time set aside for the Lord. But that should not be the totality of our relationship with Him. Intimacy with God is created moment by moment. Just like a text from a friend in the middle of the day or a video call from a loved one, God is welcome to my full day. He is not regulated to two points and a prayer from my devotional time. Throughout the day I am speaking and praying to Him, meditating on His Word, looking up a Bible verse that was mentioned in a podcast I was watching, or simply sitting in His presence. I am not seeking to check Him off of my to-do list. He is not a chore but the Lord of my life.

A Woman In The Word

A woman in the Word every day loves God and desires to know Him. Once you begin to study the Bible, you realize just how vast the knowledge and existence of God is. You crave to know Him more and more. You revere Him for who He is and desire to be in His presence and His will.

Bibles To Help You Grow

CSB She Reads Truth Bible – Get it on Amazon

Better Together: The Bible Study Handbook – Use my code TAMARAJMORRIS10 for 10% off at The Daily Grace Co.

Glory: ESV Single Column Journaling Bible – Use my code TAMARAJMORRIS10 for 10% off at The Daily Grace Co.

With Love,



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Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

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