Each year, Christians worldwide, gather to celebrate an act that solidified our faith. The resurrection of Christ. It is a day that we honor what Jesus did for us, which I believe is the ultimate example of devotion. I don’t think we often reflect on how God is devoted to us. But God’s devotion to the cross proves His faithfulness to His creation which isn’t always so faithful to Him.
The Sacrifice Of Jesus
Often, we can think about our devotion time as an item on our to-do list. Something that needs to be checked off or a routine that proves us to be “good Christians.” However, we miss the mark when we think about it this way because devotion is an act of love. Or at least it should be. Our focus verse for today is John 3:16
”For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.“
Because God loves, He gave. And not only did He give but he took on all of our weaknesses, shortcomings, and our sin. Jesus gave His life so that we could have ours.
Meditate On Jesus
Today, I encourage you to meditate on the sacrifice that God made for us. This perfect, holy God, decided to leave His throne, to descend to earth, to put on human flesh, the same flesh that has consistently disobeyed Him, and turned its back on Him, to empathize with us, to redeem us, His creation. God is so devoted to us that He took on the punishment of the world. He sacrificed himself for us. He chose to take on the humiliation, the ridicule, the betrayal, the torture, and death for us.
So no, devotion is not an item to be checked off. It is not an idle time of your day. It is a posture, it is surrender, and it is a sacrifice. Our sacrifice of time is nothing in comparison to the sacrifice that God made for us. Our devotion time with God should be done out of our love and hunger for Him. To get to know Him. Because He so loved the world that He gave. Our devotion should be a gift, and an offering that we gladly give because God has already given to us.
So spend some time sitting with God today. Not out of obligation or ritual or even a desire to receive but out of love. Share your heart with God. Thank Him for His sacrifice. Thank Him for His gift of devotion.
With Love,
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