Category: Sunday Devotional

The Sunday Devotional series is a weekly devotional post to help you grow closer to God.

  • God Is True

    God Is True

    God is true. He is the embodiment of truth and therefore the creator of truth. As humans, we like to create our own truth. We define truth by our feelings and our experiences. And this is not to say that our experiences or feelings aren’t valid. They are. We aren’t dismissing them. But we must…

  • Yes, God Does Know Your Heart

    Yes, God Does Know Your Heart

    When we lack a full understanding of God’s holiness and His Word, we rely on our perception of our actions and motives. Because when we intentionally live outside of God’s standard, our hearts are really saying that we are rebellious, we don’t respect God, we don’t honor God, we don’t trust God, and we don’t…

  • Holy, Holy, Holy God

    Holy, Holy, Holy God

    God is holy. However, I believe our modern culture has lost some reverence and awe for God. We forget that He is the one who created the heavens and the earth with a word that He spoke. He parted the sea, He delivered manna from heaven, and He counted the hair on our heads. In…

  • The Nature Of God

    The Nature Of God

    Who is God? Who is this God that we serve, worship, and pray to? I think these are important questions to meditate on as believers. Because isn’t God isn’t an idea or a philosophy but He is the one who spoke and life was born. He is the beginning and the end. Our human ability…

  • God Is Our Firm Foundation

    God Is Our Firm Foundation

    Humanity craves security. Our society has taught us what to find security in. We look for it in our jobs, our income, our influence, and even in our relationships. But all those things are temporary and lack the eternal assurance our spirit longs for. We also like to be in control. As humans, many of…

  • Are You Cultivating A Relationship With God?

    Are You Cultivating A Relationship With God?

    What comes to your mind when you think about God? Do you think about rules and regulations or tradition and routine? Who is God to you? Is it just religion or are you also cultivating a relationship with God?

  • Your Daily Christian Routine

    Your Daily Christian Routine

    I love routines. I’m a routine person. Creating sustainable routines is great because it offers structure and focus to our day. When we think about it, God is all about routines too. The world has a routine, cycle or, system. We see it in the order of the day. There’s morning and night. We see…

  • Why Have An Evening Devotional

    Why Have An Evening Devotional

    The Bible says to pray without ceasing. Meaning, we should always be in communion with God. Our minds must be consistently set on Him. Every plan we have, and every decision we make, should be filtered through the will of God. So how do we do that practically? It’s common practice for us to set…

  • God’s Devotion To The Cross

    God’s Devotion To The Cross

    Each year, Christians worldwide, gather to celebrate an act that solidified our faith. The resurrection of Christ. It is a day that we honor what Jesus did for us, which I believe is the ultimate example of devotion. I don’t think we often reflect on how God is devoted to us. But God’s devotion to…

  • What Is A Daily Devotional And Do I Need One

    What Is A Daily Devotional And Do I Need One

    If you type the words “daily devotional” into Google, you will find many blogs, newsletters, podcasts, and books to choose from. Regardless if you are looking for a daily dose of encouragement or a deep dive into psalms, a devotional caters to almost everyone. But what is a devotional and do you need one?