God's Daughter First. Creative Second.

Confidence For Creatives

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Confidence Comes From Within

Comparison Is Not Your Friend

There is a fine line between appreciation and idolization. It is okay to celebrate the wins of people you admire. But their successes do not invalidate who you are and what you’re doing. Honestly, this is something that I continue to struggle with, especially as a Creative and Artist. Many times I feel like the success of others is highlighting my failure.

But I stop and remind myself that what God has for me is for me. That saying has become a bit of a cliché but it’s true. God’s timing is perfect. I don’t like to believe it, I don’t. I’m sure you don’t either. But I have to trust that God’s plan is better than anything that I could come up with myself. I also have to continue to trust in my purpose and keep my eye on my target. Not theirs. As we mature in God and learn to surrender to His will, we realize that God is the one who puts the desires in our hearts for His purpose.

A Mistake Can Be A Blessing

Have you ever found yourself experimenting with a new recipe and mistakenly pouring in a little too much salt or a bit too much sugar? You think your dish is ruined and it’s time to order Uber Eats! But then you taste it and it’s better than you imagined. Life is like that too at times. Sometimes the unexpected is the very thing that we needed all along. Continue to trust the process and find beauty in the lessons learned along the way.

Your Community Matters

Confidence Is A Collective Struggle

You are not alone. Trust me. Many of us have it in our minds that we are the only people on the planet experiencing what we are experiencing or thinking what we are thinking. We start to believe the lies that comparison and disappointment tell us and then shame sets in. But then we read a blog post or listen to a podcast and hear someone else’s story. You discover that you aren’t alone and you are not crazy. However, this moment of realization is often short-lived because life throws another challenge at you. Again, you begin to tell yourself that no one will understand. Oh, the joys of the human mind!

I encourage you to remember how you overcame your last struggle or limiting belief. Recall the time you connected with someone else on a human level. Seek out your creative circle and allow them to pour into you. We are more connected than we often think.

Perfection Is Deceiving

Not only is confidence a collective struggle but thinking other people or their lives are perfect is too. Think about the very first time you learned about a challenge that your favorite role model, celebrity, or Artist had. You were shocked. You realize they don’t have it “all together.” They weren’t always the best at their craft. They also feared that no one would show up for their event. When others are vulnerable, it opens the door for us to be vulnerable with ourselves. Let’s spend more time humanizing others. Because the truth is, no one is perfect.

Your Thoughts Become Things

It all starts with belief. I am guilty of allowing a negative mindset to take over amid opposition. I know that all of the things that I am saying about myself aren’t true but that’s how I feel at the moment. What’s worse, I feel like I deserve to treat myself in such a horrible way. I surrender to the limiting belief. Why would I do this to myself? Because somewhere along the way it became a habit. I have learned that our perpetual thoughts become repetitive reactions. Eventually, we begin to believe the cruel things we say about ourselves because it is all we know. But it’s time to break the cycle. Yes, acknowledge how you are feeling in the moment. But don’t sit there. Combat those thoughts with truth, God’s truth.

Have A Growth Mindset

You Are Someone’s Answered Prayer



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